Development of Narcissistic Mother and Child

When most people think of narcissism, they think of egotistical men with high opinions of themselves. However, narcissism can manifest in women as well, and the results can be just as damaging to both the mother and child involved. This blog post will explore the development of narcissistic mothers and children, including the signs that you may be dealing with a narcissistic mother, what effects this type of relationship can have on a child, and how to get help if you are in this situation.

What are Narcissism and the characteristics of a narcissistic mother? Narcissism is a personality disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. They believe that they are special and unique, and often require excessive attention and admiration from others. People with narcissistic personality disorder can be very demanding and often exploit others to get what they want. Narcissism is actually a normal stage of human development. However, the narcissism we are dealing with is related to the pathological state of “extreme” narcissism.

Can narcissism be cured?

Narcissism can absolutely be cured, but it takes a lot of hard work and determination. A narcissist must be willing to see themselves as they are and be completely honest with themselves about their faults. They must also be willing to work on changing the behaviors that contribute to their narcissism. It can be a difficult road, but it is definitely possible.

Narcissism can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic disposition, psychological trauma, and environmental influences. However, in general, narcissism may be caused by a person’s need to compensate for feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem.

Narcissists often have an exaggerated sense of self-importance and a deep need for admiration from others. They may also be overly competitive, demanding, and intolerant of criticism. They often have difficulty forming healthy relationships due to their lack of empathy and inability to emotionally connect with others.

Some of the characteristics of extreme narcissists are as follows:

  • The focus point should always be themselves.
  • They feel an intense desire to receive admiration and attention from others.
  • They’re never wrong.
  • They are unique and superior in every way.
  • They are emotionally shallow and do not feel empathy.

Narcissistic Mother

A narcissistic mother associates each issue with herself. She takes credit for her child’s achievements. However, in the defense of her self-image, she blames others directly for everything that goes wrong at all costs.

She can also put the feeling of shame as she suppresses one of her children, and that’s enough to mistreat them. That can lead to more serious issues in the future.

Also, it is common thing that a narcissistic mother can name one of her children the same name as her. As she hates herself on the inside, she would punish that kid because she cannot punish herself consciously.

This feeling stems from the mother’s criticism and always wanting to outshine you. How can you truly grow and succeed knowing that the mother will punish you or try to take your success away often passively-aggressively?

A narcissistic mother can have emotional fluctuations and, when threatened, experience a state called narcissistic anger. She shouts horrible things and makes wild accusations. If nothing else works, she acts like a victim.

If you have an extremely narcissistic parent you learn to admit the accusations and put aside your needs.

Narcissistic mothers are confusing. Because they can be affectionate and supportive when they are not threatened, especially when their children are young. Narcissistic mothers can often be competitive as their daughters grow up, arrogantly criticizing their appearance, flirting with their boyfriends, or making friends with their friends.

Narcissistic mothers can be quite manipulative in a sense of accusing their children of being liars when they are confronted about their dissociative state. This can damage a child’s self worth and self-reliance even more. In addition to that, it makes the treatment of their situation because they will refuse any accusation of being sick.

Last Updated on December 17, 2021 by Lucas Berg


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